James Lee

James Lee
James Lee
Born and raised in Taichung, Taiwan, James first came to California for grade school and spend most of his career in Silicon Valley. Recently relocated to Massachusetts due to family and children education. He recently joined BTCC as Commerce Chair.
As raised in a traditional family in Taichung, James took his parents advice to enter National Taiwan Normal University to be a high school Physics teacher. As much as he respects teaching, he soon realized teaching is not his interest by heart. James took the chance to study aboard obtaining master’s degree in electrical Engineer at USC. Upon graduation, he joined an super early-stage start up as RFIC design and learning his first-hand entrepreneur experience in Silicon Valley. When financial crisis hit, James learned the entrepreneur in a hard and young way. He decided to continue his career in Silicon Valley. James joined few CMOS Imaging sensor maker practicing his engineering skill and reforming his business concept via various positions. Until his soul-searching journey in UC-Berkeley Haas MBA program, James was very fortunate to join a Venture Capital firm- Photonfund- focus on early-stage deep tech and life science.
As a Venture capitalist, James enjoys not only offering alternative investment opportunity to his LP investors and also engaging with entrepreneur circle. As an example, Tetramem is a spinoff from Umass Amherst. James is fortunately to be the first financial institutional investor to the company. He partners with two professors in Umass Amherst and CEO in Caifornia, and successfully helps company raised multiple runs during the stealth mode. Tetram is a potential unicorn, a hybrid of Massachusetts technology and California resource.
James joined BTCC as a volunteer. By offering his time volunteering, engaging with Taiwanese community with business opportunity; James serves as the BTCC Commerce Chair.
Outside of work and volunteering, you will find James taking his two energetic boys enjoying all four beautiful seasons in New England. He also enjoys playing basketball, snowboard and surfing. James like to meet more friends via BTCC platform.
在台中出生長大,接受傳統台灣教育觀念父母的建議下進入台灣師範大學就讀,畢業後短期擔任過高中物理實習老師,教職是偉大的職業,也給James帶來生涯上的間接幫助,但叛逆的James很快意識到父母心中的鐵飯碗教職並非他的興趣所在,後因緣際會出國念書, 並取得南加大電機碩士。
加入創投業,專注於生物醫藥和硬科技的早期投資;除了給投資人提供一個不同的投資機會,另外最有興趣的部分與創業者學習交流,並立志為美國東西兩岸的早期創業團隊擔任橋樑輔導和對接.以其中一家公司AI 加速器新創公司為例,創業團隊由兩位麻省大學教授和在加州的商業CEO組隊,身為第一個創投投資人,成功幫東岸學術技術團隊挹注了西岸的商業資源,成功多次融資募集成功,有機會成為另一個結合波士頓和矽谷的混血獨角獸。
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